More than 8 weeks ahead of the insect trap more than 20 weeks ahead of the sample / sieve
Our tool offers a significant competitive advantage in the detection of larvae (hidden forms) and adult (visible) insects:
more than 8 weeks ahead of the insect trap more than 20 weeks ahead of the sample / sieve
EWD SP™ « Semi Permanent »: Perform real-time automatic monitoring of the infestation level of a long-term storage greater than 4/5 months ("Silo-Insectometry"). This version makes it possible to decide the realization of a new level of temperature, a cooling, a destocking, a cleaning of the grain a long time before seeing an insect on the job or in a trap or a sieve.
EWD SA™ «Automatic probe » : Provide the density of the infestation in trucks and other types of transport in reception. EWD SA ™, controlled by a PC, can also be used for shipping.
EWD P3™ « Portable » : Provide the density of the infestation in user-accessible storages. This nomad version, autonomous in energy and controlled by a ruggedized tablet, can be used in all types of means of transport (truck, boat, barge, train) and storage (flat, vertical, big bag...) and at the farm
Better detection of insects and estimate the level of infestation totally enter in the strategy of the cooperatives and more particularly in the objective of ecologically-intensive production, in particular by the restriction of the chemical phytosanitary inputs for the respect of the environment and the decrease of the chemical residues on foodstuffs.
EWD ™ will contribute to the improvement of the more rational management of grain silo treatments which, beyond the positive environmental and economic impacts, will lead to a supply of food with a better sanitary quality (less chemical residues) likely to satisfy the most stringent requirements of the agri-food industry customers.
In France, EWD ™ provides a relevant answer in the context of CEPPs (Certificates of Economics for Phytopharmaceutic Products).
In summary, Early Detection - Prevention Methods - Remediation methods are inseparable for achieving your goals.
Combine early detection with your prevention efforts (ventilation, temperature control, cold, ...) will give you an optimal result.
The value proposition and the Customer benefit, promote the preventive, limit the curative and optimize the use of the industrial tool
Adapting ventilation and cooling Reduce energy consumption and maintenance
Remove the error human Staff assistance through training
Checking the effectiveness of a "treatment" Adapt the action to the detected infestation
Batch deliveries Only "treat" the infested batches
Batches loss infested due to late detection Reduce or avoid losses
Check before expedition To avoid returns and Improving the image
Infestation a big bag / seed container Knowing the optimum storage
Decreased contamination Optimize cleaning (men month/ €)
Early warning in flat storage Intervene when it is still possible
Qualification of Suppliers Improvement assistance
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact SYSTELIA Technologies.